

Proudly serving farmers and ranchers with weekly cattle sales every Thursday at 11 a.m.

Sale Order: Stock Cows and Bulls, Calves, Feeder Cattle, Butcher Cows and Bulls

Conveniently located 2.5 miles east of El Dorado on Highway 54 in south central Kansas


Saturday March 1st - Special Cow Sale

Saturday April 5th - Special Cow Sale

Online bidding during live sale available at www.cattleusa.com

Visit our consignments page for more information

Important Notice! Effective October 4th, 2013 the Kansas Department of Agriculture adopted new regulations concerning Trichomoniasis. All non-virgin bulls greater than 18 months age must be tested for Trichomoniasis and certified negative within 60 days prior to change ownership or they will have to be sold for slaughter only or feeding for slaughter purposes. Virgin bulls younger than 18 months of old may change ownership without negative Trichomoniasis test if the owner signs a statement verifying the bull has not been sexually exposed to breeding aged females.

**If you are wishing to sell your bull as a breeding bull, you must have a Trichomoniasis test done by your vet and bring the copy of the negative test with the bull to the sale barn.**